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Tuesday 9th June

79th Day of lockdown

The government announced today that they have dropped plans for all primary children to return to school before the summer term deeming the plan ‘unfeasible’. Not the biggest surprise just yet another badly thought out and actioned plan from our shambolic government.

Wednesday 10th June

Easing of lockdown is imminent which is daunting, but a lifeline for those living alone with the introduction of support bubbles. Single peeps just have the task of picking their favourites to create a bubble because apparently you can’t change it once you picked it! The Pressure!!!! – I had thought I might have heard from my mother on this but I guess she’s picked my brother…..

Thursday 11 June

I’ve finally launched the new site with a new blog ‘Black Lives Matter and the Shadow of White Privilege’

Friday 12th June

Another lockdown birthday for chez Grocker – Joseph’s turn this time. Its the last birthday now until mine in October – we better be in a better situation by then!! I popped into Waitrose this morning to pick up some beef mince for Joseph’s birthday lasagne (Crock’s birthday tradition since about 2005!) I spent £40 drove half way home and realised I had forgotten the mince!!

Saturday 13th June

We were supposed to be in London today eating at Lucky Cat – a Gordon Ramsay restaurant. I am so sick of cooking and can not wait to eat out somewhere!!

Sunday 14th June

Another Sunday morning quiz followed by a chilled Sunday

Monday 15th June

A miracle has happened – I’ve finally managed to get my son to do school work! An English and maths lesson has been completed with minimal fuss or argument and he has actually managed to complete the lessons in a good amount of time. It’s only taken 85 days!

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