New Year, New….
I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. I think that if you want to make changes in your life, then you shouldn’t wait for a new year to do it. I’m a firm believer in embracing change, it’s good for the soul and there’s nothing worse than sitting in a crappy situation ‘just because.’ Whenever […]
Social Media – Where The Normal Humans At?
I’ve never felt particularly affected by social media. I’ve listened when others have mentioned their dislike for it and when they’ve explained that it creates a negativity in their head I’ve tried to understand. But if I’m completely honest I’ve found these kinds of reactions difficult to comprehend. As an active user of social media […]
Against Abortion? Don’t Have One.
I don’t really know how to express my anger and frustration at what’s happened in America. I know that abortion is a divisive subject matter but I simply can not understand how 5 individuals can make such a huge decision regarding medical treatments that concern an individual woman. Four of the five Supreme Court justices […]
I got sodding Covid
After 2 years of serious Jedi style avoidance, I caught the dreaded virus and it hit me like a freight train! I knew it was an inevitability, especially with the recent relaxation of covid rules (welcome to herd immunity UK) But part of me thought that I was like Bruce Willis in Unbreakable (not to […]
Mummy, Watch Me…..
My three-year-old is deep in the ‘mummy, watch me’ phase. It’s horrendous. Every time she wants an audience, the expectation is that I’ll be there. And for the most part, I will be, BUT she’s not reciting Shakespeare, playing Mozart or doing backflips. So, as you can imagine, it’s gotten pretty mundane fairly quickly! I […]
Downing Street Dickheads
Am I surprised by today’s news? Not in the slightest. I’m angry, pissed off, upset, astounded and exacerbated. But not for one second am I surprised by the behaviour of this abysmal government. This is just the latest in a number of actions that demonstrates the inner workings of a conservative government. Some people might […]
No, you’re having a midlife crisis…..
It was my 36th Birthday recently and I finally got round to booking a tattoo that i’ve been planning for ages. It’s not a midlife crisis. Honest. A midlife crisis would mean that I’m questioning my life choices. Like my life isn’t panning out the way i’d imagined…. Just because my days mostly involve juggling […]
Will Women Ever Feel Safe?
How can a woman feel safe in 2021? Today’s news relaying the truly despicable treatment of Sarah Everard has shocked us all. The information coming out regarding her murder at the hands of a metropolitan police officer is deeply upsetting. I marvel at the bravery of her family for their delivery of the victim impact […]