About Samantha

Hi I’m Samantha, a 36 year old mother of 3 who loves to write. 

I studied English Literature at university and after graduating started working in retail – an area which has followed me relentlessly! 

No matter my job, I never lost my love of story telling and have continued to write. In 2020 the world went mad with a little thing called Corona virus and suddenly I was home schooling my children as well juggling working from home.

I needed an outlet so began keeping a lockdown diary and sharing my stories online.

Suddenly I had the escape I needed, and I also discovered a willing audience who shared in my wins and frequent fails! 

Writing this blog has led me into the freelance world – a fantastic place from where I can actually earn a living from doing something I love!

I hope that my blogs can give you a little lift, a brief escape from your busy lives to enjoy my ramblings. It certainly helps to keep me sane and it’s a damn sight cheaper than therapy!